Why General Surgery?

Turkey is a leading player in the medical tourism/healthcare sector.

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General surgery is a discipline based on the principle of remedying diseases that cannot be treated with drugs or other medical methods by surgical intervention or cure by cutting open the diseased organ

Turkey’s advantage in the field of medical tourism is the high number of accredited hospitals for eye surgery, bariatric and metabolic surgery, plastic surgery, transplantation and oncology treatments, as well as the affordable prices, quality service and the fact that Turkey is a leading destination with historical, cultural and natural attractions.

Extensively and Successful Results

The Department of General Surgery, which includes various specialties, collaborates with departments that have expertise in different areas such as oncology, endocrinology and traumatology. General surgery, one of the most common areas of new generation medical applications, is a treatment system in which robotic technology is used extensively and successful results are achieved.

What diseases are treated in general surgery?

The organs on which the operations are performed or the systems to which they are connected also determine which part of general surgery is treated. Operations on the thyroid gland (goitre) are performed to eliminate the diseases of patients in the endocrinology department that require surgical treatment. The general surgery department works with more than one department. To treat diseases of the digestive system, general surgery performs operations on the oesophagus (gullet), small and large intestine, stomach, rectum, liver and gall bladder.

Preferred by Doctors

The operations are performed using open or closed methods. Endoscopic and laparoscopic systems, which are often used in the closed surgical methods, contribute positively to the rapid course of postoperative recovery. For this reason, closed surgical methods have recently been preferred by doctors and patients.

A Preventive Medical Function

Breast discomfort is one of the major health problems suffered by women and, in some cases, men. Surgical removal of benign or malignant formations in the breast is one of the topics of general surgery. General surgery also has a preventive medical function, especially in some cases that require follow-up care, such as breast. It is important to follow the patient with methods of preventive medicine and eliminate the problem without the need for surgery.

Surgery and Post-operative Treatment

Oncological patients make up a large proportion of patients in general surgery. Tumour formations, which can occur in different parts of the body, are eliminated in cooperation with general surgery and specialists in the region where the organ in question is located. The diagnosis and treatment methods for oncological patients are planned and applied simultaneously by general surgery and the specialists in the relevant department. Surgery and post-operative treatment methods continue to be carried out with various departments such as pathology, radiology and medical oncology.

– Digestive system
– Skin and soft tissue surgery
– Breast diseases
– Endocrine System
– Surgical oncology
– Surgical intensive care
– Traumatology
– Vascular Surgery
– Transplant Surgery
– Cardiac surgery
– Paediatric Surgery
– Paediatric Cardiovascular Surgery
– Thoracic surgery
– Plastic surgery

TThe diseases that fall within the scope of general surgery can be listed as follows:

– Thyroid diseases
– Appendicitis
– Pain, swelling, stiffness or aching in the chest
– Pain or swelling in the abdominal area
– Orthopaedic problems (including gangrene)
– Haemorrhoids (piles)
– Ingrown hairs
– Problems with the small or large intestine
– Problems with the liver
– Stomach
– Skin problems (Meat me, sebaceous glands)
– Blood seen in large stools
– Pain in the lower abdomen
– Recurrent diarrhoea and constipation
– Pain under right rib, feeling of pressure and pain extending to right shoulder blade. Tightness in the right shoulder area,
– Pain and swelling in and around the navel area
– Pain in the groyne and swelling in the groyne area
– Emergencies
– Injuries and trauma from an accident
– Pain and discomfort in the gallbladder
– Problems with the pancreas
– Cysts
– Moles that have formed on the surface of the skin and need to be removed
– Fistula

Internationally recognised medical facilities with the latest technologies

Highly qualified doctors/surgeons and hospital staff

Significant cost savings compared to domestic private health care

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